KICAD is a popular open source software for designing printed circuit boards. This rather pragmatic small workshop series will introduce the basics in KiCAD, so you can learn how to design your own custom electronics devices.
We will build (or improve) our KICAD skills for developing new or existing media art/design projects such as interactive installations, kinetic sculptures, DIY instruments, etc. If you're a beginner you just can follow along. If you have an existing project that you would like to extend with custom boards, you're more than welcome to bring that to our workshops. Suitable for beginners with little or no prior PCB design experience. While basic electronics knowledge is not required, it is of course helpful to follow this seminar.
The dates for the workshop are, each day from 10:00 - 16:00: - THU 2025-04-10 + FRI 2025-04-11 - THU 2025-04-24 + FRI 2025-04-25 - FRI 2025-05-09
If you would like to join the workshops, please write me a short e-mail with your name, study background and briefly describe your interest in the class (max 250 words).
P.S. { Note that this class is connected to my other seminar *The Printed Circuit Board as an Artist Publication*. It's not mandatory that you join both, but if you have little or no experience with electronics and designing PCBs, then I'd recommend you to join this workshop series in addition to the class *The Printed Circuit Board as an Artist Publication*. }
Certificate of achievement - Presence, active attendance and participation during the workshops - Participation in the end presentation