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WiSe 2024/25

Mein Studienbuch WiSe 2024/25

1. Fachsemester

Nummer Veranstaltung Status
202001 Seismic Monitoring / Regional Ground Motion (Exam)
204017 Wind Engineering (Exam)
2202001 Seismic Monitoring / Regional Ground Motion
2204017 Wind Engineering
2205012, 205032 Structural engineering – Standard systems (Exam), until WiSe 21/22 Reinforced and post-tensioned concrete structures (205032), from WiSe 22/23
2205032 Structural engineering – Reinforced and post-tensioned concrete structures (Exercise)
2205032 Structural engineering – Reinforced and post-tensioned concrete structures (Lecture)
2301012-1 Applied mathematics (Lecture)
2301012-2 Applied mathematics (Exercise)
2301012-3 Stochastics for risk assessment (Lecture) / Mathematics for risk management (MBM)
2301012-4 Stochastics for risk assessment / Mathematics for risk management (MBM) (Exercise)
2401014 Structural Dynamics (Exercise)
2401014 Structural Dynamics (Lecture)
2401015 Finite element methods (Exercise)
2401015 Finite element methods (Lecture)
2904002 Geographical information systems (GIS) and building stock survey (Exercise/Project)
2904002 Geographical information systems (GIS) and building stock survey (Lecture)
301012 Applied mathematics and stochastics for risk assessment (Exam)
401011 Applied structural dynamics
401011 Applied Structural Dynamics (Exam)
401014 Structural Dynamics (Exam)
401015 Finite element methods (Exam)

2. Fachsemester

Nummer Veranstaltung Status
202002 Re-examination: Earthquake engineering and structural design
202003 Re-examination: Geo- and hydrotechnical engineering - Part: "Flood Hazard and Vulnerability Assessment"
204018 Re-examination: Structural parameter survey and evaluation
205007 Re-examination: Modelling of steel structures and numerical simulation
205013, 205033 Re-examination: Structural engineering - Advanced systems (205013), until SuSe 22 Steel structures (205033), from SuSe 23
401012 Re-Examination: Applied Finite element methods
451002 Re-examination: Introduction to Optimization
451007 Re-Examination: Stochastic Simulation Techniques and Structural Reliability
906014 Re-examination: Geo- and hydrotechnical engineering - Part: "Geotechnical Engineering"

3. Fachsemester

Nummer Veranstaltung Status
202005 Risk projects and evaluation of structures (Exam)
202012 Experimental testing based on impact and resistance: wind, fire and earthquake
204019 Life-lines engineering (Exam)
205014 Design and interpretation of experiments (Exam)
2202005 Risk projects and evaluation of structures
2204019 Life-lines engineering (Exercise)
2204019 Life-lines engineering (Lecture)
2205014 Design and interpretation of experiments: Experiments in Structural Engineering
2205014 Design and interpretation of experiments: Signal Processing, Design of Experiments and System Identification
253001 Structural design and performance assessment (for extreme loading conditions)
253001 Structural design and performance assessment (for extreme loading conditions) (Exam)
2901005 Project- and Disaster Management
2909020 Macroscopic Transport Modelling
301016 Re-examination: Complex dynamics
301017 Re-examination: Mathematics for data science
303005 Object-oriented Modeling and Programming in Engineering
901033 Sociology of disaster
906016, 906023 Secondary Hazards and Risks (land-use, site studies) (Exam)
906023 Advanced geotechnical engineering
NHM17-5000 Special Project (Introduction)

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