Beschreibung |
The subject of the course would be history of diversity through photography. We will analyze through old photographs topics of social awareness such as race, sexuality, social class, body diversity, etc. Were people of color, people with sexual diversity, people with body diversity depict in photographs from that time? If yes, how and why did this happened? Combining photography and literature we will discuss such aspects of history in order to re-make moments that could have been different. As final project, students will recreate old photographs (using performance, architecture models, paint, sculpture, others) changing the aspects they consider important to change to make it more inclusive. The last part of the course would be focus on the use of postproduction photography programs (lightroom and photoshop) so the students learn how to give their new picture a look that is as similar as possible as the original photo. |
Zielgruppe |
Die Veranstaltung wird als studentisches »Bauhaus.Modul« durchgeführt und steht allen Bachelor- und Masterstudierenden der Fakultäten Architektur und Urbanistik, Bauingenieurwesen, Kunst und Gestaltung sowie Medien offen. Bitte halten Sie vor der Anmeldung Rücksprache mit Ihrer Fachstudienberatung und klären Sie, ob diese Veranstaltung in ihrem Curriculum angerechnet werden kann. Bei Bedarf schließen Sie vor Veranstaltungsbeginn ein Learning Agreement ab. |