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WiSe 2024/25

AEC Global teamwork project - Einzelansicht

  • Funktionen:
Veranstaltungsart Projekt SWS 8
Veranstaltungsnummer 902048 Max. Teilnehmer/-innen
Semester WiSe 2024/25 Zugeordnetes Modul
Erwartete Teilnehmer/-innen 10
Rhythmus jedes 2. Semester
Hyperlink https://moodle.uni-weimar.de/course/view.php?id=50473
Sprache englisch

Zugeordnete Personen
Zugeordnete Personen Zuständigkeit
Morgenthal, Guido, Prof., Dr. Dipl.-Ing. MSc MPhil
Beckers, Thorsten, Prof., Dr.rer.oec. verantwortlich
Bieschke, Nils , Dipl.-Ing. begleitend
Bode, Birgit , Dipl.-Ing.
Abschluss Studiengang Semester Leistungspunkte
M. Sc. Management [BII] (M.Sc.), PV2020 - 12
Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen
Infrastrukturwirtschaft und -management
Fakultät Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften

The AEC (Architecture-Engineering-Construction) Global Teamwork Project is a unique learning experience hosted by the Project Based Learning Laboratory (PBL lab) at Stanford University that focuses on cross-discplinary, globally distributed, project-based teamwork. It brings together students, faculty and industry practitioners from five disciplines – architecture (A), structural engineering (SE), mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) building systems engineering, construction management (CM) and life cycle financial management (LCFM).
During the project, students will work in a multi-discplinary team in collaboration with students from different universities all over the world. These AEC teams exercise their domain knowledge and information technologies in a multidisciplinary context focusing on the design and construction concept development phase of a comprehensive building project.
Management students can participate as the role of life cycle financial manager, being responsible for the life cycle cost analysis and the risk management of the project.

The AEC Global Teamwork Project is divided into two phases:
In the Concept Development students will work with sketches, conceptual 3D Integrated BIM models, and back-of-the-envelope calculations. With the usage of technologies like VR, students will explore alternative solutions and learn to evaluate them using a decision matrix approach. In collaboration with a team of clients, they will determine a solution which will be developed in depth in the next phase.
During the Project Development, each AEC Team continues their project activity focusing on the most challenging concept developed on the first phase of the project and chosen jointly with their clients. In this phase the teams will perform multi-disciplinary modeling and performance evaluation. The 3D model will be further detailed and finally turned into a 4D / nD model. The life cycle financial managers will perform in depth life cycle cost analysis and risk analysis.

Learning outcomes:

  • The student will learn how to engage and manage a multi-disciplinary, multicultural, and globally distributed team.
  • The student will learn to work with a variety of technologies preparing them to be change agents in their professional careers.
  • The student will deepen his / her understanding in financial modeling and life cycle cost analysis.

Under the following link, you can access the project database containing last years projects.


engl. Beschreibung/ Kurzkommentar

Donnerstag, 12.01.2023:

Official Kick-Off Event in-person at Stanford University

Donnerstag - Montag, 12.01. - 16.01.2023

Team building workshop in-person at Stanford University

Freitag, wöchentlich vom 20.01. - 05.05.2023 (21:15 - 01:20 Uhr)

The (online) seminar takes place from 12:15 to 16:20 PDT. Due to the 9 hour time difference between Weimar and Palo Alto, the seminar is in the evening for the german students.

Donnerstag - Freitag, 11.05. - 12.05.2023

Special events & Final AEC project presentation in-person at Stanford University


Documents and literature will be made available during the project.


To participate in the 30th AEC Global Teamwork project, it is required to apply submitting the following documents.

  • One-page statement of purpose ”what are their learning goals and why they should be considered for the AEC Global Teamwork program.”
  • CV with an emphasis on discipline background knowledge (courses and projects) and technology (discipline analysis tools, and applications such as - Revit, Grasshopper, Dynamo, Photoshop, etc.).

The submission deadline will be at the end of October (details will be announced). After submission of these documents, students will receive an invitation to an interview which will decide if they can participate in the AEC Global Teamwork Project. Afterwards, qualified students will receive an invitation from Stanford university to participate in the project.

Submit the documents by sending an E-Mail to Moritz Jäger (moritz.jaeger@uni-weimar.de).

Furthermore, applicants will have to meet the following criteria by November 27th. Please note that these criteria can be submitted after the interview.

Demonstration of Revit 3D modeling skills or commitment to take the BIM/Revit class and demonstrate these skills by November 27th, 2022 – by modeling the simple daycare house posted on the PBL Lab web site -


The selection criteria are as follows:

  • Discipline specific competence (LCFM): cash flow, data extraction from Revit models to be used in Excel
  • Motivation i.e. learning goals
  • Revit modeling skills
  • Commitments in terms of workload (courses, competitions, work)

If there are any additional questions regarding the project or the application process, contact Moritz Jäger (moritz.jaeger@uni-weimar.de).



Recommended requirements:

  • Basic knowledge in Financial Modeling
  • Basic understanding of the life cycle of a building

Grading will be based on participation in the class and the final presentations.

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