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WiSe 2024/25

weitere Informationen zu Veranstaltungsverzeichnis der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar  Veranstaltungsverzeichnis der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar    
weitere Informationen zu Fakultät Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften  Fakultät Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften    
weitere Informationen zu English-taught courses of the Faculty  English-taught courses of the Faculty    
Vst.-Nr. Veranstaltung Vst.-Art Aktion
202002 Earthquake engineering and structural design (L + E + P)   -   Dr.-Ing. Schwarz Jun.Prof. Dr.-Ing. Abrahamczyk Dipl.-Ing. Kaufmann Dr.-Ing. Beinersdorf Vorlesung
202003 Geo- and hydrotechnical engineering - Part: "Flood hazard and vulnerability assessment" (L + E)   -   Dr.-Ing. Maiwald Dr.-Ing. Beinersdorf Vorlesung
202004 Exam: Multi-hazard and risk assessment   -   Dr.-Ing. Schwarz Dr.-Ing. Beinersdorf Dr.-Ing. Maiwald Prüfung
202004 Multi-hazard and risk assessment (L + E)   -   Dr.-Ing. Schwarz Dr.-Ing. Beinersdorf Dr.-Ing. Maiwald Master of Science Hadidian Moghaddam Master of Science Hasan Vorlesung
202012 Experimental testing based on impact and resistance: wind, fire and earthquake   -   Jun.Prof. Dr.-Ing. Abrahamczyk Vorlesung
204018 Structural parameter survey and evaluation (L + E + P)   -   Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Ing. MSc MPhil Morgenthal Prof. Dr.-Ing.habil. Rodehorst Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Rüffer Dipl.-Ing. Gebhardt Rau Dr.habil. Schönlein Vorlesung
205007 Modelling of steel structures and numerical simulation (L + E)   -   Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kraus Mämpel Ibañez Sánchez Vorlesung
205013, 205033 Structural engineering - Steel structures (L)   -   Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kraus Ibañez Sánchez Vorlesung
2401012 Applied Finite element methods (Exercise)   -   Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rabczuk Tartaglione Garcia Lopez Zermeño Seminar
2401012 Applied Finite element methods (Lecture)   -   Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rabczuk Prof. Dr.-Ing.habil. Könke Vorlesung
301016 Complex dynamics   -   Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Rüffer Vorlesung
301017 Mathematics for data science   -   Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Rüffer Dr.habil. Schönlein Vorlesung
303001 Advanced Building Information Modelling   -   Prof. Dr.-Ing. Koch Krischler Vorlesung
303002 Simulation Methods in Engineering   -   Prof. Dr.-Ing. Koch Artus Vorlesung
451002 Introduction to Optimization (L+E)   -   Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Lahmer Integrierte Vorlesung
451006 Optimization in Applications (P)   -   Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Lahmer Projektmodul/Projekt
906014 Geo- and hydrotechnical engineering - Part: "Geotechnical Engineering" (L + E)   -   Prof. Dr.-Ing. Master of Science Staubach Rodríguez Lugo Vorlesung
909012 Projekt Verkehrswesen City and Traffic   -   Kramm Teichmann Prof. Dr.-Ing. Plank-Wiedenbeck Uhlmann M.A. Feddersen Projekt
Summerschool P3: Use of Polymer-Modified Concretes (PCC) for Innovative Refurbishment Solutions   -   Dr.-Ing. Flohr Integrierte Vorlesung

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